Saturday, March 26, 2011

I think I forgot about this

Woopsie! I forgot I even had this page! I joined the 'darkside' (facebook) and never came back!
So I guess I better update!
-We moved
-We live in the country now
-and when I mean country, I mean 10 minutes from a gas station, store or any other civilization
-transferred jobs (we still both work for the Department of Corrections, now just at a new pen)
.....that's about it.....really.....
we work, we hang out with our critters, and my family (since we're next door neighbors and all) and that's about it. See....2 years since my last update, and I got everyone all caught up in 2.5 seconds! ha ha!

Sunday, March 29, 2009


I don't want to get my hopes up too soon, but yesterday was 85 degrees! We went to a car show yesterday in Pleasanton and it was BEAUTIFUL!!!!! It was even warm enough for me to have worn shorts, but the world is not ready for these WHITE (think transparent) legs to make an appearance. Hooray for Tan-in-a-can!
You know what's funny, I think the time when I had the best tan is when I lived in Idaho. (serious) During those long winter months when the sun was just a big "light in the sky" tanning was my way to thoroughly warm up. But now I'm more concerned with avoiding skin cancer than with a glowing tan.
I can't wait until it's warm enough to be outside at night and it's still 80 degrees!
I can't wait until I can cruise down the road with all the windows open!
I can't wait until the lake is warm enough to break out the SeaDoos!
I can't wait until the neighborhood smells like one giant bar-be-que every night!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

I have a request.....

First- let me give a little background:
Curtis and I have been married since 2002. We have wanted to have children, but it's just not happening. It's been a very stressful and heartbreaking ordeal that no one can completly understand except those in our situation. I want to make very clear that those in my famlily and circle of friends who do have children absolutley deserve them, are wonderful parents and I am nothing but happy for all of them.

I don't know how many of you have heard of the woman in Southern California who just gave birth to 8 babies. While I don't know all of the details here is what I do know:
She is not married.
She lives with her parents.
She already has 6 children under the age of 6.
She does not work, and is on disability.
She has already asked for a $2 million T.V. deal (similar to "John and Kate plus 8')
She will support her children by being on welfare.

My first question- How did she afford in-vitro? It is VERY expensive.
Secondly- what doctor in his right mind would implant that many embryos (6)
and do so knowing she has NO SUPPORT SYSTEM (except the California Tax Payers)
and lastly- how are all 14 children going to get the individual attention and care that they will need to grow up strong and stable?

This is my request-
Please do not support this convoluted woman by watching any of her T.V. interviews or specials. And don't feel the need to donate to any of her "funds" becuase the California Taxpayers will be doing plenty of that for her. And please feel free to share my message with anyone who askes "did you hear about that woman that had 8 babies?!"

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Ella Rose and Auntie Amy

Ella is growing so fast! She's already out of her newborn clothes and well into the 3 month old clothes (which is fine for me, because everytime I go to Target I always find cute outfits for her! Kevin, Carina and Ella came over the other day for a visit. We had good time, I held her as much as I could- giving her back to Carina only to change her or when I was trying to eat! All of our critters took turns checking her out- they wanted to see what is was that was taking all of our attention away from them!

Gizmo's second appearance- isn't he CUTE!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

My Favorite Things

I got one of those fill-in-your-answer emails the other day. Usually I'm not big on "forwarded" emails, but I am a sucker for the question-answer ones! SO instead of sending the email around and possibly irritating someone :) I'll just post some of my answers here. And of course I'd love to see all of your anwers too!
1) Real Tree or Artificial? fake
2) Favorite Christmas Song? O Holy Night... and Adam Sandler's Chanuaka Song!
3) What is the most annoying part of this season? I originally said the Christmas music that starts in November, but I just got back from doing some shopping and have changed my answer to: PARKING LOTS!!!
4) What was your favorite Christmas gift as a kid? I got a discman when I was 11/12. (and my first CD was Boyz II Men) yes. I'm serious.
5) Favorite Christmas Tradition? My family started going to look at the Christmas lights on Christmas Eve, and then would go to Burger King after.
6) Do you own a Nativity Set? - yes. My gramma gave it to me. It's identical to the one my mom had when I was growing up. (but my set's wise mans head has not been broken off like moms! :)
7) Do you have a theme for your decorations? Curtis and I buy ornaments from places that we go.
8) Favorite thing to eat at Christmas dinner? Pecan pie.
9) Travel or Stay home? We travel to our parent's homes.
10) What do you want for Christmas? To buy my niece lots of presents!
.....only 19 more days until Christmas!!!

She's Here!!

Ella Rose Hamilton was born 11/26/2008. 8 lbs. 12 oz. We went to see her that evening and to my surprise she wasn't as tiny as I was expecting! Carina is doing well (minus sleep). Ella Rose has her entire family wrapped around her little finger!!!